The Persuasion Code

Code Breaking Words 2


Recession proof your presentation with 

E.V.O.W. research

Love the code breaking research, got more?

Carolyn – Woodland hills, CA

Of course! As mentioned last week. The PROFESSIONAL INFLUENCE system operates under the presupposition that persuasion is the result of using the right words in the right sequence. When used correctly they form a

"Buying Code."

Think of it this way. Assuming you don't talk too much or too fast,

you will use roughly

6600 words in a 30 minute presentation.

Most of our students give a 90 minute presentation so that is close to 20,000 words.

FACT: People make associations to words. Words make people feel a certain way. What emotions do you want tied to your product or service?

Better question: What emotions do you want tied to your competitors product or service?

The simple reality is that every word chips away and eventually sculpts new beliefs about what is possible.

In the most simplistic of terms, words can be rated as having a



or Positive



More importantly, we have used it in the field with amazing, recession proof, results!

In the first article we discussed a word that was testing off the charts (as positive). Hopefully you found a way to incorporate the use of the word "Hybrid" into your presentation.

This week we have another phrase that has tested off the charts. Guess which of the following words tested as positive emotion for people.

1. Improved

2. Practical

3. Bold

4. Enterprising

Just three short years ago, the most positive word was "Bold." "Enterprising" also tested as positive.

"Improved" was neutral and "Practical" was negative.

Welcome to 2012!

The code has changed.

Today these words could not have tested more opposite.

"Bold" and "Improved" both tested as negative.

"Enterprising" is neutral and are you ready for this?

"Practical" tested as positive!

What the heck is going on?

Gone are the days where fancy watches and expensive cars served as symbols of status. Today more than ever, our clients want to be perceived to be smart. This is a major driver for those we have tested. A few years ago, the neighbor that lived below his means, drove a modest car and focused on saving money was looked down upon. In the minds of the majority he was a coward and a cheap skate. Today he looks like the smartest guy in the neighborhood. He is the envy of his peers as many of those around him wish they had taken a more "PRACTICAL" approach to the decisions they made.

Crazy loans, high priced homes and expensive cars where sold to the public as a symbol of status. A generation of "BOLD" investors are now wishing they made more "PRACTICAL" decsions.

So what is practical about your product or service? Before you fire back that your product or service is not practical, let me just say that many of our students sell Time Share. (viewed by most as anything but practical) These professionals have found a way to package their offering as a Practical way to vacation. Unlike the generic Time Shares of old, they sell a more modern "HYBRID" version of vacation ownership.

In other words, any product can be shown to be practical.

Want one more?

Which words test the most positive?

1. Exciting

2. Electrifying

3. Pleasure

4. Appeal

5. Delight

6. Desire

7. Enchanting

8. Satisfaction

The answers:

"Desire" test between neutral and (get this) negative

"Electrifying," "Pleasure," "Appeal" and "Enchanting" are all neutral words

"Exciting" is highly positive!

"Delight" and "Satisfaction" also test as positive.


Frame your offering as a product or service that is "Practical yet Exciting."


At a rate of 200+ words a minute, you make unprecedented strides by replacing neutral and negative words with positive ones. These words evoke emotion and curiosity. They frame the beliefs that your prospect will have about your product or service.


Think of it as a sculpter chiseling away at his masterpiece. He does not just take one big swing at the stone and with that one strike make something special. Instead he works at it once small strike at a time. By replacing neutral and negative words we continue to chip away at our own masterpiece!

988,000 words in the English language.

6600 words spoken every 30 minutes.

The right words

in the right order

form the "BUYING CODE."

Now, go make your masterpiece


We teach a more indepth version of this topic in our certified course "Professional Influence." You might have already heard that our trainers will actually show you how to formulate "contrast options" into your specific products and services.  You may already know, by now, that employers are attracted to people that are different, new and unique.  Today we have overwhelming scientific proof that sales people that differentiate themselves from the crowd are more successful.  They are more likely to close that sale, get that promotion and have longer lasting relationships. 

Show your employer that you are deadly serious about reaching the companies goals.  Increase your income and line yourself up for the next big promotion.  All of this can and will be achieved when you enroll in the "Professional Influence Certification Course." 

Upon successful completion of this course you will become CERTIFIED!  Your certification goes on the "BIO" page and is registered with the INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDIES OF PROFESSIONAL INFLUENCE (ISPI).  As you read through this you may begin to realize that a link to this bio page can also be a powerful part of your resume. 

Are you ready to take your game to the next level?  If so email us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .  For more information about this and other certification courses simply click here.

"Code Breaking" Words

E.V.O.W  Research

Discover how the study of the


Can help you be more persausive!


I enjoy getting my letter every week. For years I was the best at what I do. Now I findmyself toward the bottom/middle. Your letters have helped me start to climb back."

Isaiah - Carson City, Nevada

Isaiah, I appreciate the kind words and am grateful for your feedback. You are not alone. Today's economy has many top producing sales professionals scratching their heads.

We have long operated under the presupposition that influence and persuasion are the results of using the right words in the right sequence. Think now, at the sales training you have received in the past. You may have already begun to realize that old sales training techniques are not working anymore.  This causes many to wonder why something that used to work is no longer effective.  What changed?

Consider this

Depending on the source, there are over

988,000 words in the English language.

The right words,

in the right sequence,

combine together to form a code.

"The Buying code!"

This, admittedly, is an oversimplification of the persuasion process. For years, generic sales training introduced techniques that worked. These techniques include:

"The Ben Franklin close"

"Tie –downs"

"Alternate of choice"

"If I could, would you?"

"The puppy dog close"

And many others.

Today, many have found that these techniques are simply not working at all! The results have been drastically reduced revenue, which means little to no commissions earned by the sales professional.

Clearly something changed!

It should come as no surprise that the client changed! It has become cliché to say "the client is different than it was five years ago."  The reality is that the client is different than it was just five months ago!

Let's face it, the world has changed. Once you acknowledge that the client is different, you must then acknowledge that the code has changed!

Last year's buying code simply does not work! People who make their living influencing others to take action have found themselves trying to crack the code. Knowing this, we have spent the past year breaking the code!

How did we do this?

The same way we have always done it. PROFESSIONAL INFLUENCE was built by combining hypnosis, NLP, and the studies of influence and persuasion. Each methodology, and this is the important part, was tested!

Today, we have taken this to another level

In order to better understand today's client, we have exhausted thousands of hours in a focus group setting. Then we took the data that we received from real people and tested it on the sales floor. Real salespeople talking to real clients forming a "real world" process.

Without giving away too many of our secrets, it will suffice to say, that we used four different filters when interviewing clients. Any data that we accumulated that passed all four filters was then considered for testing. Once tested in the "real world" setting, it was then determined to be effective.

988,000 words in English language!

The right words!

The right sequence!

The new "Buying Code!"

Now obviously, it would be unethical to reveal all of the information gained by the studies. While we feel a responsibility to hold a portion back for the students and companies that we serve, we are going to slowly release some of our findings to our subscribers.

For future reference: Articles tagged "Code Breakers" will contain some of the findings in our research. So consider this a first edition of code breakers.

Take just this one question:

Which word is the most attractive to your customer?




4. NEW


Just a couple of short years ago, the answer that was most attractive to those tested was "LUXURY."

"WEALTH" was not far behind. "NEW" was neutral. "HYBRID" and "SAVINGS" were actually tested as unattractive.


Those tested have had a complete turn around from just two years ago. One of the most powerful and attractive words is "HYBRID." You simply must work this word into your presentation. It is testing off the charts.

"SAVINGS" is also considered positive but quite a ways down the list.

"NEW" has moved up to positive.

"WEALTH" and "LUXURY" are actually unattractive words to those tested.

This is a complete turn around!


Does it make financial sense to lease a hybrid automobile?

In most cases NO!

In fact most car dealers will tell consumers that the hybrid will cost on average $4000 more to lease then the regular gas powered version would. There is no way that a hybrid vehicle could possibly save the consumer $4000 in fuel. From a financial standpoint it generally does not make sense to lease a hybrid.


Hybrid vehicles are selling! Why?

It would be great to think that consumers are purchasing based on the environment or concern about Americas dependancy on foreign oil. (Although that is a great reason to own a hybrid vehicle)

The real answer is that driving through your neighborhood in a hybrid vehicle carries the status of someone who makes financially sound decisions (Even though this is not always the case). Five years ago Hybrid owners were looked at as "quirky." Today they are looked at as intelligent.


Can you make your product into hybrid?

Is your product or service unique? Clearly, it is otherwise you wouldn't be selling it. Take the origins of your product or service and repackage them as a hybrid.


Bob and Mary, I know you have seen generic health insurance coverage before. You have probably also seen, some of those expensive private plans that only the rich can afford. Today I'm going to show you the "XYZ" plan created by our company. What we did, was take the financial common sense of the generic plans and combine it with some of the creative aspects of those expensive private plans and formed a hybrid of the two. This plan is very exciting to people in today's economic landscape.


Your clients will feel SMARTER for having purchased from you. Think now of ways that you can repackage your product to make it a HYBRID. Then use the word! It is one of the words that people love to hear today.


We teach a more indepth version of this topic in our certified course "Professional Influence." You might have already heard that our trainers will actually show you how to formulate "contrast options" into your specific products and services.  You may already know, by now, that employers are attracted to people that are different, new and unique.  Today we have overwhelming scientific proof that sales people that differentiate themselves from the crowd are more successful.  They are more likely to close that sale, get that promotion and have longer lasting relationships. 

Show your employer that you are deadly serious about reaching the companies goals.  Increase your income and line yourself up for the next big promotion.  All of this can and will be achieved when you enroll in the "Professional Influence Certification Course." 

Upon successful completion of this course you will become CERTIFIED!  Your certification goes on the "BIO" page and is registered with the INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDIES OF PROFESSIONAL INFLUENCE (ISPI).  As you read through this you may begin to realize that a link to this bio page can also be a powerful part of your resume. 

Are you ready to take your game to the next level?  If so email us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .  For more information about this and other certification courses simply click here.

"Code Breaking" Words 2

Code Breaking Words

"Code Breaking" Words-3



Recession proof your presentation with these 5 (newly released) words that work in the

"Real World"

Clearly the PROFESSIONAL INFLUENCE system is different than generic sales training. The new "E.V.O.W." research is a hybrid of sorts. It provides students with a simple and easy methodology that enables them to create an effective presentation. This information , though limited provides you with a practical yet exciting way to close deals fast! As you know, our subscribers are delighted as they show their satisfaction with this exciting technology by giving to those in need.

As those of you in our community know, The PROFESSIONAL INFLUENCE system operates under the presupposition that persuasion is the result of using the right words in the right sequence. When used correctly they form a

"Buying Code."

Think of it this way.

There are 988,000 words in the English language.

The right words

in the right order

form the


After thousands of surveys, we have determined that there have been definite shifts in the way clients perceive your products and services. More importantly, they perceive you differently than they used to.

After a missed sale, It is common to hear a sales professional say "It wasn't me, I am doing the same thing I always have."

While this might make us feel better in the short term, it bears the question: If the world has changed, the media has changed and the client has changed...Shouldn't the sales process change too?

When it comes to changing a sales presentation, the simple reality is that every word used chips away and eventually sculpts new beliefs about what is possible.

In the most simplistic of terms, words can be rated as having a



or Positive



More importantly, we have used it in the field with amazing, recession proof, results! As promised, we are going to reveal 5 words that are testing very positive.


Use the word "fast" in your advertising, sales presentations and paperwork (contracts). People want fast results, fast delivery, and fast service. Even todays recession minded clients value their time more than their money.


Today's clients want to be assured that they are exclusive be that makes them feel more valuable


Mortgages, loan terms, property taxes and the Dow Jones Industrial average can all be confusing not to mention tedious. Todays client wants to know that your process will be 'SIMPLE." Easy ordering, easy to use and definitely easy to understand.


Ok, those of you that have followed PROFESSIONAL INFLUENCE, know that we have promoted the use of this word in our scripts for years (P.I. Law #2 - The Red Test Kit Principle). This one though, has not only stood up through the recession but has gained in positive scores. People want something different. Today, we have overwhelming scientific proof that people will pick something different simply because it is just that, different. Use this word (in conjunction with your products and services) at least 3 times every 7 minutes.


Strangely enough, people usually do not get excited until you tell them that what you are going to show them is indeed exciting (Social proof). Anchor this word to your products and services as many times as you can. Of course your tonality is equally important. Avoid using the word exciting while sounding like you are giving a lecture on the statistical relevance of the theory of relativity (yawn).


That is a total of 10 words released exclusively to our students. They are:












There are 75 words in the opening paragraph of this article. In that paragraph, we used all ten of these "tested" words. Some of them we used twice. That is 12 our of 77. 16% of the words in that paragraph were tested as positive. More importantly, NONE of the words were tested as negative.


For those of you scoring at home we also used another PROFESSIONAL INFLUENCE technique found in an earlier article "Covert Value".


At a rate of 200+ words a minute, you make unprecedented strides by replacing neutral and negative words with positive ones. These words evoke emotion and curiosity. They frame the beliefs that your prospect will have about your product or service.


Think of it as a sculptor chiseling away at his masterpiece. He does not just take one big swing at the stone and with that one strike make something special. Instead he works at it once small strike at a time. By replacing neutral and negative words we continue to chip away at our own masterpiece!

We have said it before and we will say it again, there are

988,000 words in the English language.

6600 words spoken every 30 minutes.

The right words

in the right order

form the "BUYING CODE."

Go make your masterpiece


We teach a more indepth version of this topic in our certified course "Professional Influence." You might have already heard that our trainers will actually show you how to formulate "contrast options" into your specific products and services.  You may already know, by now, that employers are attracted to people that are different, new and unique.  Today we have overwhelming scientific proof that sales people that differentiate themselves from the crowd are more successful.  They are more likely to close that sale, get that promotion and have longer lasting relationships. 

Show your employer that you are deadly serious about reaching the companies goals.  Increase your income and line yourself up for the next big promotion.  All of this can and will be achieved when you enroll in the "Professional Influence Certification Course." 

Upon successful completion of this course you will become CERTIFIED!  Your certification goes on the "BIO" page and is registered with the INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDIES OF PROFESSIONAL INFLUENCE (ISPI).  As you read through this you may begin to realize that a link to this bio page can also be a powerful part of your resume. 

Are you ready to take your game to the next level?  If so email us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .  For more information about this and other certification courses simply click here.

Persuasion Code

Code Breaking Words 2

Code Breaking Words 2 Code Breaking Words 2
MORE "CODE BREAKING" Recession proof your presentation with  E.V.O.W. research Love the code breaking research, got more? Carolyn – Woodland hills, CA Of course! As mentioned last week. The...

"Code Breaking" Words

"Code Breaking" Words "Code Breaking" Words
E.V.O.W  Research Discover how the study of the EMOTIONAL VALUE OF WORDS Can help you be more persausive!   I enjoy getting my letter every week. For years I was the best at what...

"Code Breaking" Words-3

"Code Breaking" Words-3 "Code Breaking" Words-3
More "CODE BREAKING" Recession proof your presentation with these 5 (newly released) words that work in the "Real World"
Clearly the PROFESSIONAL INFLUENCE system is different than generic...

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